Livestock Bedding
Keeping livestock healthy is the key to successful farming. Delivering throughout the entire Canterbury region, CWS specialises in purpose chipped bedding for various applications:

Calf Bedding
- A deep litter system of 300mm is recommended
- Use premium grade woodchips of 30 – 50mm
- Urine and waste drains away from the animals preventing a disease harbouring environment
- Excellent for filling pivot ruts post calving (ask about our rut buster)

Export Grade Calf Bedding
- Fine grade chip 5mm and 15mm
- Specifically graded for calf comfort
- Bagged into 70/litre bags and palleted into 1/t cargo loads

Cow Houses & Loafing Barns
- Premium grade woodchips of 30 – 50mm
- Rounded woodchips to ensure hoof safety
- Cushioned surface for comfort
- A deep litter with substantial chip size creates a free draining environment
- Excellent fertiliser value post-use (ask about our muck spreader)
At a Glance:
Only using timber from regional forests
Only wood from sustainably harvested woodlots
Only clean timber
No waste pallets & Crates
No demolition material
Free of any contaminants